Lately I've been thinking a lot about England. I am so thankful for everything there. I guess it's a good thing that I am so sad that it's never gonna be the same. To have lived something so amazing, that the thought of it never being the same is so excruciatingly painful just shows how good it can get. It shows it can happen. But I just feel like they're all moving forward and I am just stuck. I wish I could move with them, but I know that isn't possible. Everytime I talk to my closest people there, I feel so alienated from the people we used to be. And I know change is a good thing, and they are doing great, but.. I wish I could be there. I wanna be that person again. Someone who was afraid but had enough courage to overcome that fear. I don't wanna lose it. I think about it every day. And every day it is harder to convince myself that the next conversation won't be as painful.
Pain is like a thief.. quiet, persistant, unfair, deminished by time. It's like an ocean, deep, and dark, and bigger than all of us.
Everyday living in another place is an experience. An experience which can only make you stronger and wiser.
ResponderEliminarIt may make you sad somedays, but at least you have those memories, at least you still have those friends who will never leave you despite living in different countries.
When you think about it, you'll probably come out from this as a stronger person, and although it may feel like you're not moving right now, you really are, because you're learning to deal with emotions, you're learning in different cultures and environments and you're gaining experiences which will help you later on in life.
Things will fall in place like a jigsaw in time, you just have to wait for the last grains of sand to pass through that hole in the hourglass.
Much love. <3
Trust me we're not moving anywhere, we're just running around in random circles like headless chicken giving an illusion of progress.
ResponderEliminarWe're all still 10 year olds at heart ;D
You're just saying that... you're forgetting ive spent two years with you guys xd
ResponderEliminari look at you.. and you're all becoming amazing people, want it or not, you are moving forward.